Gretchen Knauff | Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce
Gretchen Knauff | Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce
Join us for another webinar!
This webinar will focus on Disability Awareness. Registration is open!Employing People with Disabilities: It Makes Good Business SenseDid you know that hiring people with disabilities is good for business? It is!!Learn about the benefits of an inclusive workforce, how disability is defined, and the obligation to hire people with disabilities. Various accommodations for supporting people with disabilities, including assistive technology, will also be discussed.Our panel of experts will provide their insights and expertise:
• Why hire people with disabilities?
• Disability Awareness
• Quick Overview of ADA Requirements
• What is Assistive Technology (AT)?
Tuesday, January 319:30-11am
Date and Time
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023 9:30 PM - 11:00 PM EST
Online via Zoom9:30 A.M. -11 A.M.
Gretchen Knauff
Director, Office of Services for Persons with Disabilities
City of New Haven
Carly Duffy
Workforce Projects Coordinator
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Laura Reed
Workforce Counselor/Employment Consultant
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Arlene Lugo
Program Director
Connecticut Tech Act Project
Original source can be found here.