Rosa L. DeLauro tweeted the following:
"On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember the horrific mass murder of 6 million Jews by the anti-Semitic Nazi state and its sympathizers across Europe. We must honor the memory of the victims and solemnly vow to fight against antisemitism and hatred everywhere."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Rosa L. DeLauro:
"H.R. 21 would result in more oil supply shortages and higher gas prices for hardworking, middle-class families.The @HouseGOP wants to protect Big Oil, but I will continue to stand with the American people." on Jan. 26Read on Twitter
".@HouseGOP's energy bill would restrict the federal governments ability to respond to gas price spikes. This is reckless and extreme. Their position is clear they stand with Big Oil." on Jan. 26Read on Twitter
"Abortion coverage bans take away peoples freedom to control their lives, bodies, and futures, and to live with dignity. With the #EACHAct, we are ensuring that coverage bans wont stand in the way of anyones decision about abortion for themselves and their family. #4EACHofUs" on Jan. 26Read on Twitter