Rosa L. DeLauro tweeted the following:
"Tomorrow at 7PM ET, I'm hosting a live tele-town hall to provide an update on my work in Congress to provide relief to American Veterans, and share how I'm fighting for investments such as housing, medical care, suicide prevention, & more. Dial-In: 855-920-0553"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Rosa L. DeLauro:
"If basic safety measures and consequences had been codified into law, Ethan Song's tragic death could have been prevented. I'm proud to introduce #EthansLaw again this Congress to protect our children from senseless and accidental violence. We need safe gun storage now."Read on Twitter
"On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember the horrific mass murder of 6 million Jews by the anti-Semitic Nazi state and its sympathizers across Europe. We must honor the memory of the victims and solemnly vow to fight against antisemitism and hatred everywhere." on Jan. 27Read on Twitter
"H.R. 21 would result in more oil supply shortages and higher gas prices for hardworking, middle-class families.The @HouseGOP wants to protect Big Oil, but I will continue to stand with the American people." on Jan. 26Read on Twitter